Do your handbags have a brand name or logo?

Our handbags do not feature a specific brand name. Instead, they may have markings like "MADE IN ITALY," "GENUINE LEATHER," or similar phrases, sometimes in Italian such as "VERA PELLE" (meaning "REAL LEATHER") or "BORSE IN PELLE" (meaning "LEATHER BAGS"). These words can appear either inside or outside the bags.

Some of our bags also display the traditional symbol of Florence, the "fleur-de-lis", which signifies the origin of the product but is not a brand logo. 

For customers who prefer a cleaner look without any external text, we offer a customization option to remove these markings. This service requires a minimum order of 5 pieces per color, and the lead time for shipping will differ from our standard processing time.

Where are your products made in?

Our products are made and crafted in Italy.

Is it safe to shop on your site?

Yes, shopping on our website is very safe. After placing your order, you’ll receive a confirmation message with your order ID number. You’ll also receive updates throughout every step of the process, from order preparation to delivery. Once your order arrives, our customer care team is available to assist with any questions, concerns, or feedback you may have.

Is there a discount for new customers?

Yes! By registering for our newsletter, you’ll receive a special welcome coupon that you can use on your purchase. Sign up today to enjoy this exclusive offer!

Can I self-collect or visit your store?

At the moment, we do not have a physical store or self-collection option available. All purchases are made exclusively through our online store.

Why is my coupon discount no longer working?

Many of our coupons have usage limits. It’s possible that your discount or promo code was valid for a one-time use only and cannot be applied again. If you believe there’s an issue or need further assistance, please contact our customer care team Shipment Tracking

What kind of leather is used for your products?

We use natural calfskin leather for our products, known for its durability, softness, and premium quality.

Do you offer private label services?

Yes, we provide private label services with several customization options and corresponding prices:

  • Your Logo on the Outside of Our Bags: A one-time fee of €100.00 is required to activate this service and create your logo. The minimum order quantity (MOQ) is 1,000 bags, with at least 20 pieces per color.
    1. Your Logo Inside the Bags: This service adds €5.00 per bag to emboss your logo on a leather piece sewn inside the bags. The MOQ is 1,000 bags, with at least 20 pieces per color.
    2. Logo Embossed on Hangtags: This service costs an additional €7.00 per bag. The MOQ is 1,000 bags, with at least 20 pieces per color.

We also offer custom design services. If you have your own design or model, we can create a new leather bag based on your sample. This service requires a minimum order of 200 pieces, with at least 20 pieces per color.

Can I order a sample to test your products?

Yes, we believe it’s important for customers to test our product quality before placing a large order. You can order a sample as a private customer. Please note that we do not offer free samples.

What if I am not home at the time of delivery?

If you’re not home when the courier attempts delivery, they will leave a note. You can then contact the courier to reschedule a new delivery date. If the delivery is not rescheduled, the parcel will be held in courier storage for up to 10 days. We will notify you by email if this happens. If the parcel is not collected within that time, it will be returned to our factory in Italy.

Is there any additional shipping cost to Italian Islands?

There is no additional cost to Italian islands. 

Can I track my order?

Yes, you can track your order. Once the shipment is picked up, we will send you an update with the tracking number, allowing you to monitor the status of your delivery Shipment Tracking

Do you ship to my country?

Yes, we ship worldwide! No matter where you are, we can deliver to your location.

Do you include customs fees in your prices?

For non-EU customers, we don’t include customs fees in your invoice or payment. These taxes must be paid by the customer according to your country’s regulations.

Please note that customs fees are separate from the shipping costs you paid when placing your order.